Phony Computer Support Calls — A Common Scam

So, one day you’re really busy. You get an unsolicited call from someone claiming they’re “Microsoft Support” or a company associated with Microsoft or your PC manufacturer (like Dell or HP). They claim that there’s a problem with your PC: “Your PC is infected!” They use technical terms. They’ll help. They ask you to use… Continue reading Phony Computer Support Calls — A Common Scam

AARP Fraud Watch Network

As noted in the latest VIPRE Security News, AARP created a Fraud Watch Network site: an interactive, national campaign to fight fraud and identity theft and give Americans access to information about how to protect themselves and their families. The new site’s mission is: Fight Back Against Scams in Your State AARP’s Fraud Watch Network… Continue reading AARP Fraud Watch Network

It’s the mo-o-o-ost dangerous time of the year

A recent PC World article reminded us that “Tech threats abound beyond spam, malware during holidays.” Cyber criminals are all over social media sites, trying to get you to click on links from your “friends,” or to open up fake e-cards. Or, they’re trying to scam you into purchasing fraudulent gift cards for unbelievably low… Continue reading It’s the mo-o-o-ost dangerous time of the year

Holiday Cyber Risks

IDG’s CSO* recently posted an article titled “5 risks to avoid for the holidays” summarizing scams and risks to beware of for the holidays. In particular, watch out for spoofed emails purportedly from shippers and payment processing agents. Also fake e-cards. Fake messages frequently include instructions to open an attachment or click on a link.… Continue reading Holiday Cyber Risks