Microsoft started a small chain of retail stores in 2009. As noted in Wikipedia’s “Microsoft Store” article, The stores aim to “improve the PC and Microsoft retail purchase experience for consumers worldwide and help consumers make more informed decisions about their PC and software purchases.” The Microsoft Store is similar to the popular Apple Store… Continue reading Microsoft’s Answer Desk – In-store and Online
Cleaning an infected PC
Although written in 2013, this PC World article “When malware strikes: How to clean an infected PC” still is a useful reference for dealing with malware. You work hard to protect your PC from the malicious thugs of our digital world. You keep your antivirus program up to date. You avoid questionable Web sites. You… Continue reading Cleaning an infected PC
Mother’s Day Scams – Be careful
The latest issue of Vipre Security News reminds us that Mother’s Day is a favorite occasion for scammers. Watch out for these scams: The Fake Flower Shop The Famous but Fake Website The Malware-infested Mother’s Day E-Card Fake Gift Card The article includes tips on how to avoid these scams. As always, be suspicious of… Continue reading Mother’s Day Scams – Be careful
AOL accounts spoofed / hacked
A client called me about her computer being hacked. Turns out that only her AOL account probably was hacked. People in her address book were getting odd email messages supposedly from her. Her PC was okay otherwise. She’s one of many experiencing the problem. PC World noted the situation in their article “You’ve got spam… Continue reading AOL accounts spoofed / hacked
AARP Fraud Watch Network
As noted in the latest VIPRE Security News, AARP created a Fraud Watch Network site: an interactive, national campaign to fight fraud and identity theft and give Americans access to information about how to protect themselves and their families. The new site’s mission is: Fight Back Against Scams in Your State AARP’s Fraud Watch Network… Continue reading AARP Fraud Watch Network