2009 Research and Development Summary

AVCHD MP4 H.264 (720p) video editing and playbackWestern Digital WD TV HD Media Player(alternative in some respects to Apple TV)EyeTV (ATSC HDTV / DVR for Mac OS X)Mac OS X 10.6 “Snow Leopard”Ubuntu (Linux)Hard disk cloningPC troubleshootingDymo LabelWritersNetbooksSQLiteOpenOfficeWindows 7

Skype Video Testing

Just a note that in December 2006, I installed and evaluated the latest versions of Skype for Mac and PC. I tested interoperability between Mac and PC, and video conferencing. I recommend Skype because of interoperability and the large international user base. I also looked at web cameras. There are a lot of them. I… Continue reading Skype Video Testing

Using FileMaker Pro as a GUI to a SQL Database

As of 11-17-2005, I’ve built a sample model for using FileMaker Pro as a GUI to a SQL Database using ODBC. My objective was merely to explore whether it was practical to use FMP (rather than other less “friendly” GUI applications or tedious Web-browser based HTML/PHP interfaces). I had found no useful examples on the… Continue reading Using FileMaker Pro as a GUI to a SQL Database

Another research topic – More DreamHost Goodies

DreamHost’s latest newsletter (Newsletter v7.1 January 2005) describes additional “Goodies” which can enhance client web sites, such as Bulletin Boards, Polls, and Stores. Here’re some excerpts below. — … we’ve converted the new “Goodies > WordPress Blog” area into the now-even-newer “Goodies > One-Click Installs” area! Everything’s just like it was before, except now you… Continue reading Another research topic – More DreamHost Goodies