Humanity’s final challenge – AI profit?

Much in the news cycle. Much buzz. I’ll expect books and a movie script for something even more epic that The Social Connection. OpenAI’s “bizarre org chart.” Mission creep or mission miscommunication? Was a wizard workers mass exit a real scenario? The twists and turns … Is “the problem posed by superintelligence” really “humanity’s final… Continue reading Humanity’s final challenge – AI profit?

when close enough often enough ≠ correct – tracking tech

3rd party Bluetooth tracker

As I’ve gotten older, I’ve found more “good enough” things to be just that – versus always seeking the so-called “best.” But trusting “good enough” data – approximate or inaccurate data – that works most of the time can take us down rabbit holes. Saying “the tech made me do it” is no excuse for… Continue reading when close enough often enough ≠ correct – tracking tech

Better to ask forgiveness than permission? – Big Tech regulatory framework

You want your kids to be good citizens, conscientious & responsible; but also resilient to new challenges and hardships (as “sh** happens”). So, how do you come up with guidelines for their growth that are as dynamic as the novel circumstances they’ll face? Ditto for economic and social health and growth? As noted elsewhere as… Continue reading Better to ask forgiveness than permission? – Big Tech regulatory framework

AI voice mimicry – the darkside of fakery

Stay or go, do you really know?

Paraphrasing a famous quote by Mark Twain: A fake video can make it half way around the world before social media even has time to identify it (let alone perhaps take it down). Another dimension to deepfakes – voice clones. A trope in crime and spy thrillers. And now putting voice artists’ jobs at risk.… Continue reading AI voice mimicry – the darkside of fakery

Shaping and stirring the AI boom – Time’s 10^2 influencers

The most influential people in AI … movers & shakers, shaping the good, bad, & ugly. Only the beginning … • PR Newswire > “TIME Reveals Inaugural TIME100 AI List of the World’s Most Influential People in Artificial Intelligence” (Sep 7, 2023) The 2023 TIME100 AI list features 43 CEOs, founders and co-founders … The… Continue reading Shaping and stirring the AI boom – Time’s 10^2 influencers