VR in the house? – consumer’s FAQ by PC Guide

One of my last technology research projects years ago at Hughes was focused on visualization [1]. Visualization, among other things, included applications using virtual reality (VR). Since then, as noted elsewhere, I’ve followed the topic casually for commercial, industrial and consumer uses. But I’ve not invested in any consumer gear as yet. I’ve wondered, for… Continue reading VR in the house? – consumer’s FAQ by PC Guide

iPhone system updates – 2021 iOS flurry

Are you getting annoyed at the constant nags to update your iPhone? Is it worth all the time it takes to process – to download-check-install and reboot your device? If you’re getting notices the last month or so that yet another iOS update is available for your iPhone, then you’re not alone. I was getting… Continue reading iPhone system updates – 2021 iOS flurry

Remotely triggering your iPhone’s camera shutter

This MacWorld article is an excellent summary of all the ways to trigger the shutter remotely in your iPhone’s camera app. • MacWorld > “How to remotely control your iPhone’s camera” by Lance Whitney (May 13, 2021) – Take a photo without touching your phone. (quote) There are several reasons why you might not want… Continue reading Remotely triggering your iPhone’s camera shutter