More and more phone scams

The July 2015 issue of VIPRE Security News notes that: “Retail and finance call centre phone scamming in the US is up 30 percent according to research from Pindrop Security, a phone security company.” Attackers call across international borders at 10x the rate of legitimate callers. Spoofing technology allows attackers to hide their true automatic… Continue reading More and more phone scams

Credit Score Scams — a scam that hasn’t changed about score changes

If your email address has been “harvested” by scammers, then at some point you’ll probably get an email message with a subject like “Your credit score has changed,” or “Your Equifax score has been modified” or something similar, possibly referring to Experian or TransUnion as well. From “Score Advisor” or something similar. These scam spam… Continue reading Credit Score Scams — a scam that hasn’t changed about score changes

Phishing — what it is and tips

The May issue of HP’s “Technology at Work” contains some useful information on phishing scams. Phishing is the act of posing as a familiar, trustworthy entity in electronic communications and using that familiarity and trust to get recipients to release confidential information, such as passwords and bank account numbers. The article summarizes tips to detect… Continue reading Phishing — what it is and tips

Mobile app’s tracking your location — when enough is enough

A March 25, 2015 Wired article “Apps Snoop on Your Location Way More Than You Think” struck my attention. IT’S LITTLE SURPRISE that mobile apps regularly access our location data. In many cases, it’s a sensible deal. Maps, weather apps, social networks, and shopping services serve up useful info based on where we are. But… Continue reading Mobile app’s tracking your location — when enough is enough