So, congrats if your PC is running Windows 10. Whether you are interested or not in Windows 10 releases, ready or not, here comes the next edition: Windows 10 Creators Update, which will start rolling out (over a period of weeks or months) to the general public on April 11. Most of us will see this release… Continue reading Windows 10 Creators Update
Category: Computer
Posts related to computer hardware and software
Adware vs ad fraud like fake news
Last night 60 Minutes did a piece on fake news — “What’s ‘fake news’? 60 Minutes producers investigate.” An example was shown of “bots” being used to inflate the popularity of an online comment or posting on social media. Well, the same trick is used by criminals for ads, as noted in this Malwarebytes blog article. Adware: any software application that shows… Continue reading Adware vs ad fraud like fake news
Windows Vista end of life
You knew the day was coming, correct? This PC World article “Windows Vista has just 30 days to live” is a reminder that if your old PC’s still running Windows Vista, you’ll be facing a decision soon. In a month’s time, Microsoft will put Windows Vista to rest once and for all. If you’re one of… Continue reading Windows Vista end of life
Rankings of antivirus software 2016
As in past years, independent antivirus testing houses have published lists of the best antivirus products for 2016. PC World summarized these results in their recent article “The best consumer antivirus products of 2016 are Avira and Norton, test labs say.” AV-Comparatives released its best antimalware product of 2016 on Tuesday, after AV-Test announced its… Continue reading Rankings of antivirus software 2016
Yahoo breach — things to do
Well, Yahoo’s much in the news again. Once again, as noted by the New York Times, “Yahoo Says 1 Billion User Accounts Were Hacked.” The newly disclosed 2013 attack involved sensitive user information, including names, telephone numbers, dates of birth, encrypted passwords and unencrypted security questions that could be used to reset a password. Yahoo… Continue reading Yahoo breach — things to do