Mixed reality — if the price is right?

I’ve been following this topic for a couple of years: virtual reality and mixed reality consumer gear. I have one PC which meets the requirements, but I’ve yet to make the investment in a headset. Now there are choices other than Oculus Rift and the HTC Vive if “mixed reality” is good enough. Price still can be… Continue reading Mixed reality — if the price is right?

Meltdown and Spectre — Intel vs AMD status

If you have a computer powered by an AMD processor, is your risk profile any different from someone with an Intel-powered PC? This Ars Technica article (January 18, 2018) summarizes the situation: “Meltdown and Spectre: Good news for AMD users, (more) bad news for Intel.” Windows patches are fixed, but microcode updates are causing even… Continue reading Meltdown and Spectre — Intel vs AMD status

Patches for Spectre — impact on your iPhone?

Much in the media still about global computer security vulnerabilities Meltdown and Spectre. Apple, among other companies, released patches to mitigate the risks. This PC World article (January 16, 2018) summarizes the situation for Apple’s mobile devices — your iPhone: “Apple’s iOS 11.2.2 Spectre patch probably won’t slow down your iPhone, but here’s what to do if it… Continue reading Patches for Spectre — impact on your iPhone?