Searched for a theme with a contemporary style and flexibility. Suffusion 3.7.8 was the best that I found. Changed: /wp-content/themes/suffusion/functions/actions.php /wp-content/themes/suffusion/style.css so that blog’s title was shifted over a character in header; and Featured Content’s sliderPager and sliderControl were centered.
Author: site admin
2010 Research and Development Topics
WinTV and Windows Media Center (Windows 7)
2009 Research and Development Summary
AVCHD MP4 H.264 (720p) video editing and playbackWestern Digital WD TV HD Media Player(alternative in some respects to Apple TV)EyeTV (ATSC HDTV / DVR for Mac OS X)Mac OS X 10.6 “Snow Leopard”Ubuntu (Linux)Hard disk cloningPC troubleshootingDymo LabelWritersNetbooksSQLiteOpenOfficeWindows 7
Skype Video Testing
Just a note that in December 2006, I installed and evaluated the latest versions of Skype for Mac and PC. I tested interoperability between Mac and PC, and video conferencing. I recommend Skype because of interoperability and the large international user base. I also looked at web cameras. There are a lot of them. I… Continue reading Skype Video Testing
Using FileMaker Pro as a GUI to a SQL Database
As of 11-17-2005, I’ve built a sample model for using FileMaker Pro as a GUI to a SQL Database using ODBC. My objective was merely to explore whether it was practical to use FMP (rather than other less “friendly” GUI applications or tedious Web-browser based HTML/PHP interfaces). I had found no useful examples on the… Continue reading Using FileMaker Pro as a GUI to a SQL Database